Wednesday, January 10, 2024

How Far I Have Not Come

 Was reading a blog post by Oddball Observations during my lunch hour and the post today was called Way-Back Wednesday and in it he goes back on his blog and reviews what he was doing in January ten years from today. He was doing a lot, you can see the blog post HERE

He also shared a cute story about a daughter writing back home to her parents and brothers regarding life in the Marine Corp and how it was so much easier than living and working on a farm.

But the reason for this blog post and the title "How Far I Have Not Come" is that I went back to January 2014 on my blog and found that I am still doing the same thing in 2024 that I was doing way back then...struggling with my weight and trying to eat healthier. 

My first post on Jan 1st 2014 was about making Jalapeno Poppers and I've made them twice already this year only because they are a low-carb food that I can eat at any time and they satisfy my cravings. 

My second post on Jan 2nd 2014 was about being a carb addict and included a recipe for Cajun Chicken Drumsticks, another low-carb good that is spicy and filling and satisfies my cravings. 

My third post on Jan 3rd was about voices and my at least I managed to stay away from food for a day! God only knows what I ate that day, probably left over chicken drumsticks with jalapeno poppers! 

My fourth post on Jan 6th was about going back to work after the holiday and no change there as work is just as stressful as it was then, if not more. I'm happy to think that soon I will be retiring. This post also talked about food and I had low-carb lettuce wrapped tacos and a boneless cajun chicken strip...starting to see a pattern here on where my head is most of the time, focused on food!

My last post on Jan 13th was again about food, this time low-carb pancakes with sugar free strawberry jam! 

It's a little disappointing, sad, discouraging, demoralizing and depressing...why do so many words for dismay start with the letter D? I never realized that.

It's not that I'm horribly overweight, it's just that I've never been satisfied with my weight. Here's  a picture of me at the beach in November 2023. 

But knowing that I've struggled with my weight my whole life makes me feel all those D words. Ten years ago, I struggled with how I looked carrying those extra pounds. Ten years later I struggle with how it is affecting my health. It's sad to think that I have not gotten very far with learning how to eat and sticking to it.

Maybe 2024 will be different. Anyone else struggling with eating healthy? Have any tips of how to control your food cravings? 

If I'm still around in 2034, I'll let you know how the next ten years went, for now I'm going to go make myself a quick turkey taco salad for lunch and wash it down with water as I'm off diet soda completely.

Wish me luck!


  1. i never look back and you should not either!! i think you look great...eating "healthy" is a tad overrated in my opinion!! eliminating bread, pasta and the foods i love will make me miserable. i don't eat crap, i eat real food that fills me up and makes me happy. please don't be disappointed with yourself, if you are, it will show in everything you do!!

    good luck...and that's good news that you will not be drinking diet soda anymore, that stuff is really bad for you!! if you don't like plain water (i don't) there are a lot of alternatives/additives for water!!

    1. That's the best thing I've ever heard "never look back!" You are right, why did I look back. It actually kinda bummed me out for the rest of the day. Thank you though for opening my eyes. Moving forward I am going to continue eating healthy and by that I mean real food that fills me up. I've also stopped eating chips, cookies, pastries. I just am very intolerant of carbs. The minute I eat bread or pasta or tortilla or chips I feel myself bloating up. Thank you for commenting, really appreciate it :)

  2. i meant it when i said you look great!! i am sooooo happy you changed your picture. this is what you should be sharing!!

    1. Aww, thanks Debbie! You are right, I am too hard on myself sometimes!

  3. Our blog will be 10 years old in a couple of months, then I can look back and see what we were up to 10 years ago!

    1. I hope you will be happier that I was with mine. Congrats on 10 years!

  4. In the November picture, you don't look overweight at all. Me, I avoid salt, minimize sugar, no fats (no butter), no chips, less meat, more fish, eat bread and pita, enjoy veggies and fruit, drink only water and soda water, and of course, coffee.
    I don't know what Jalapeno Poppers are. Duta here.

    1. Hi DUTA, I had gotten into bad habits at the end of 2023 and I can put weight on quickly and that always makes me feel bad. I'm not being hard-core low carb, but I'm not eating bread, pastas, chips, drinking diet soda. Trying to stick to proteins and vegetables and drinking a lot more water. Jalapenos are a medium spicy pepper that you cut in half and fill with a mixture of cream cheese, shredded cheese and bacon bits, then you bake them.

  5. I think you look great in that photograph.

    I think the important thing is to stay away from processed foods and concentrate on eating real food.
    You may like to read "Real Food Is Good : 21 Reasons Why You Should Eat It"

    Dr Steve Parker has just posted this article on his blog, you may like to read it.
    "19 Expert Weight-Loss Tips"

    Whatever you do, do not be hard on yourself!

    Take care, my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you for the links Jan, I will head over and read them now. I know processed foods are terrible for us, so I am trying to cook more from scratch. Thank you for your kind words and advice.

    2. Hello Alicia, I've just read the comment you left on the "Real Food Is Good : 21 Reasons Why You Should Eat It" ...
      So pleased the link I left above worked okay :)
      Also so pleased you found the post helpful.

      Have a good 2024.

      All the best Jan

  6. I do struggle with food, even though I’m very thin. My issue is that I have to balance hypertension, Hashimoto’s, osteoporosis, pre-diabetes, and having a kidney stone, all which require different food restrictions. So, I end up with not many food choices. I’m NOT fun to go out to eat with.

    I think you look fantastic in that picture! I hope 2024 brings you lots of happiness.

    1. Thank you! We are 3 women in our family, me, my mom and my sister. My mom is very tall and very thin and she hates food, she wishes there was just a nutritional pill she could take. She's 87 now and every day it's harder for her to find something she wants to eat. She's always been a very unhealthy eater yet she's made it to 87 and still living life. My sister if a bit more like my mom although not tall, she is thin. Both have always been thinner than me and I think that is what has made me so self conscious about my weight. Thank you for commenting and I enjoyed reading your kitchen do-over blog post.


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