I've posted before about all the weird things that go on in the women’s restroom in the building where I work. I can’t believe that these women think their mother works here so it’s ok to just throw paper and towels and junk on the floor expecting someone to clean up after them. C’mon! We’re grown women!!!
Then there are the women that like to chat on the phone… in the stall… while they are doing their business! Do they really not care that the person on the other side of the line can hear them urinating…or worse? And do they really not care that the other person can hear complete strangers urinating …or worse?? Not to mention how inconsiderate they are to only allow me to hear one side of the conversation!
But I think my biggest pet peeve are the women that use their employer’s time to groom at work.
Now we all check our hair and our teeth and at times apply another coat of lipstick. I’m talking about the women that on a daily basis bring a miniature suitcase to work and then go into the bathroom and pluck their eyebrows, curl their hair, apply deodorant, apply makeup, brush their teeth and believe it or not…clip and polish their toenails. This is in the public women’s bathroom! During working hours! Do these women just roll out of bed, smelling like yesterday, putting on whatever clothes they find on the floor and take off to work and clock in then proceed to the ladies restroom to groom themselves and prepare themselves for the day?
I would love an extra hour of sleep, but I can’t see coming to work sans makeup and without showering and brushing my hair and then using the time my employer is paying me for to prepare myself to be presentable to get to work! Don't they realize that on top of being lazy they are stealing? Stealing the time their employer is paying them to work?
I realize that a lot of people think that is archaic...to worry about using work hours to groom or do personal stuff, but I was brought up old school and I've always tried to live by my favorite motto, "Integrity is what you do when no one is watching". Well ladies...there are quite a few of you that work in this building that definitely lack integrity!
So that's it for my rant, what's your pet peeve?