Friday, August 11, 2017

Bossypants Book Review

BossypantsBossypants by Tina Fey
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I enjoyed the book but sometimes the build up of a book brings your expectations to unrealistic levels.

The beginning was great. I was sitting at the car dealership while they serviced my car and I was laughing out loud while everyone else was sitting there like mindless drones on their phones. They asked "What is that rectangular shaped cardboard and paper thing you are holding?" Haha, just kidding, but they did look at me weird, no one reads actual paper books anymore, especially not in public!

But anyway, the book went downhill from there. Not that it wasn't still very entertaining, but it wasn't the laugh out loud funny anymore.

I would recommend it as I love Tina Fey!

View all my reviews


  1. Lol, you told them. Reading is a subject that is special to me. I look for the author on YouTube which is a bit weird I know, but quite a lot of them are on there. I will look into this book you thought was so funny because if it made you laugh out loud it'll probably make me laugh out loud too.

    1. Reading is near and dear to my heart too. I used to read a whole lot more, but I'm spending much more time now doing Art, which is good, but I really need to get back to reading. Tina Fey is truly funny! I loved her Sarah Palin skits!

  2. I've heard it's a bestseller. I'm sure Tina Fey is an accomplished comedian, and yet I don't like her. Why? As a woman I don't like it when a woman (Tina Fey) makes toxic fun of another woman (Sara Palin, the republican candidate to vice-presidency in 2008).

    1. DUTA, I do have to agree with you about her making toxic fun of Sarah Palin. Tina actually does explain in the book her feelings on the subject and how uncomfortable she was doing so. Certainly many people felt that she let down feminism in doing so. But male actors have been doing the same thing for years, especially actors on the show SNL. Sometimes there is a double standard in judging women when they do the exact same thing that men do. But I do understand your not liking her and your reason for it.

  3. I saw Tina Fey on YouTube. Doesn't she look like Sarah Palin? It's uncanny. She's quite funny too.

  4. I think it's already on my list as I love to laugh! I was reading a book the other night that isn't a 'funny' one per se but it had a section in there that had me laughing hysterically! It was The Hungry Ocean about a swordfish boat captain....the best out there...and she's a woman. Very good book and well written.
    I love your quote on your header...I couldn't 'fit in' if I tried! LOL! I love the quote..."You might as well be yourself as everyone else is taken". I also have a piano like that in my garage that has been trailing me around for over 20 years and I keep thinking I am going to paint or refinish and learn to play....never give up, right? Love your blog and I'm thinking we tend to think along similar lines which is rare that I find anyone that does! LOL! Sisters separated at birth? So glad you stopped by!

    1. I'll have to put that book on my reading list! That's a great quote as well, it's good to be yourself! The piano was a lot of fun to paint. We actually painted two in different classes. In September the Acrylic Art Class starts again and I can't wait! You should paint it! I think in turquoise...LOL! Thank you for visiting and I'm glad you like the blog! I try to find time to blog which is my first love but it's been tough lately. Sisters separated at birth...LOL! I like that! :)


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