Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Why Does Time Fly As You Get Older...or Does It?

There is a really great blogger that I have followed for years who has also faithfully comments on almost all my blog posts with thoughtful, uplifting messages. She is the great DUTA of Places with Character. Her blog is amazing and I have learned so much about places I will probably never travel too, and people I will probably never meet. I don't know what she does for a living but she should be a tour guide or a teacher, she never ceases to teach and inspire me!

Yesterday DUTA commented on a post In Like a Lion and Out Like A Lamb. You can read that post HERE. DUTA mentioned that she liked the title phrase of my post and she went on to say that she also has accumulated materials with intentions of making them part of some project, but as she advances in age she while she still prepares for projects she quickly loses interest. She's now more realistic about projects she takes on.

I responded that as we get older time seems to go by faster. I used to read more and embroider and crochet and sew and refinish furniture and now it seems that I barely have time to pull together a good healthy meal! So what changed? Is it that I'm older? Where did my energy balance go off kilter? Why are things to tumultuous right now, how can I calm them down?

I wish I had the answers!!! But it did make me stop to think, what has changed?

Photo Credit - Jar Of Quotes
I have come to the conclusion that it's my energy level/balance. I still want to change the world, I still want to become President, I still want to be all that I can be...but most of the time I just want to be still, I want to just take a moment each evening for myself to watch a favorite TV program or read a few pages of a book. I want to be able to do my job without feeling like I am letting everyone down because there are not enough hours in the day and I only have two hands!

I guess as we get older we get to choose what we want to use our energy on. When I don't make time to do the things I love and want to do I feel cheated, I feel stressed, I feel out of control and off balance.

We should be able to choose what we use our energy on, especially since the quote above in the image is pretty spot on, we're all running out of time so choose what you want to spend that time on. For some that may be projects, for some reading, for some's all a matter of choice and it's nice that as we get older we can make choices just based on what we want.

How do you feel about your life? Do you feel like it's out of control and out of balance? And if it's in balance what do you do to keep it that way?



  1. Thanks Alicia for your extremely kind and generous words about me (they've made me blush..."great blogger"... I feel overwhelmed).

    As for your question on balance and control in life, the answer is right there in your post: being selective about the way we use our energy, keeps life under control and in balance. This big truth comes to us as we grow older.
    " we get older we get to choose what we use our energy on...we can make choices just based on what we want".

  2. DUTA, thank you! And it is always a pleasure and an honor to have you comment. I truly do love your blog!

    It's like anything else I suppose. When you have a lot of money you squander it on things you don't really need, but when you just have a few dollars left in your wallet you tend to weigh and measure every purchase, making those last few dollars count and that is how we treat energy as we find less and less of it in our wallet!


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