I think in the coming year I'm going to have to sleep a whole lot less! I had set a goal of 30 books to read this year!
30 books and I only managed to read 18! What happened to me in 2013? In 2009 and 2010 I read 24 books each year. In 2011 I read 29 books. 2012 I had set a goal of 30 but only read 26...but 18? Wow! What a slacker!
I guess other things were more important in 2013.
So I will set a new goal for 2014 and see if I can't do better. It's not that I've lost my love of reading, just life getting in the way. So maybe I will set a more realistic goal of 20 this year.
Here's a list of the books I read this year...
Ok, off to read a book! Are you reading any good books lately? Or do you have a recommendation?