Wednesday, June 19, 2024

My Arizona Trip and whatever else comes to mind. (part one)

    When last I left you guys, I gave you a brief update letting you know my sister Lisa and I were flying off that morning to visit our Arizona family. We were leaving the cool, blissful weather of 105 in Bakersfield CA  for the blistering desert that is Phoenix AZ which was 109 when we landed! Many have asked us, "Why would you travel to someplace hotter?" Well...when it's over 100, it's all the same thing...uncomfortable! So one place is as good as another and we were off on an adventure!

Before and After, With makeup before and without after! You can tell we had a great time!

    We got to the airport and Lisa who is a worrier by nature anyway was super nervous. She was just talking and talking and jumping from one topic to another and not making much sense. Thank goodness for airport bars, we each had a beer with some chips to settle our nerves. Strictly for medicinal purposes!

Just one beer for the road, or should I say the sky?

Can't let Lisa drink alone, can I?

    The boarding and take off went off without a hitch and soon we were in the air. Lisa took the window seat and I had a great description of what she was seeing. We landed at Phoenix and the landing was a little rough, I think we were right over the tires and Lisa yelled out "Oh shit!" We had a family with 2 girls and 1 boy sitting next to us and their eyes got as round as saucers. 

    We had a hard time navigating the Phoenix Airport...that place is huge. But we finally figured out how to get out of there and our cousin Lucy was there to pick us up and take us to her niece Daniella's house where they hosted a dinner for us. On the driver there, Lucy almost killed us once when she accidentally turned into a one-way street, but she corrected herself at the last minute. I'm only putting that in here because I want to make sure that we all remember so we can kid each other when we're all in the same nursing home! In the photo is Lisa, Lucy and me in red...a few days later. Lucy is the daughter of my moms sister Herminia. Lucy has two sisters, Lydia aka Copa and Herminia aka Minnie. 

    After dinner we were taken to Lydia aka Copa's house. She  had generously invited us to stay in her home in a beautiful guest room where we had everything we could need, even non-slip socks! We were greeted by this sweet boy named Rocky. I fell in love with him the last time we were in Copa's house and I think he remembered me. Just look at those big caramel colored eyes! Who's a good boy?


    That's the end of our first day in Phoenix, Lisa's first flight. It was time to rest and prepare for the next couple of days. 


  1. I like to read about you and your sister Lisa. You two are such a good team!
    Looking forward to more about your Arizona trip.

    1. We are a pretty good time and I'm lucky to have a sister that I get along with.

  2. Goodness! Those temperatures are HOT!

    All the best Jan

    1. Hi Jan! Yes, they are horrible temps. Yesterday we were at 108, today will be 101. Currently at 7:05 am it's already 75, but that's what summers are like for us here in Kern County.

  3. It sounds like the beginning of a busy, enjoyable time.

    1. It was a whirlwind trip. There is just never enough time.

  4. you are off to a good start. a flight without turbulence is always a really good thing, especially if you are flying with a worrier!! i love a well stocked guest room, mine has everything, the bathroom too!! the dog is adorable, i am sure he remembered you!! and i really like both of your tops!!

    1. Thank you. I like to get dressy, Lisa is more casual. I really wish I could have brought the dog home with me, he was such a sweetheart.


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