Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Inktober 2020 Challenge - Week Two

      Surprise! Made it to week two of the Inktober challenge! It was a bit tougher this week as work was super busy. For some reason we always get busier during the end of the year when everyone is taking vacations for Thanksgiving and Christmas and we're short-handed...but I stuck it out and did my seven inked drawings. So without further's what I did.

     Day 8 - Prompt was "Teeth" - Had a little fun with this one. I had an idea to do a pumpkin with braces on it's teeth, which I did and I think it's most excellent! 

     Both my children suggested since a lot of rap stars call their teeth their "grill" that I do something with that. So I came up with this little guy that I think is just adorable! I love the way the headlights are his little eyes. I thought about doing gold teeth, but he's fine as he is.

     Day 9 - Prompt "Throw" - This was a head-scratcher. I had not a clue what I should do. I could have drawn someone throwing a ball, but drawing people is not one of my favorite thing. Luckily a little saying my brother Fred would always say to his kids popped into my head "You get what you get and you don't throw a fit!" She reminds me a lot of me when I was a kid, and a teenager and me yesterday!

Day 10 - Prompt "Hope" - This one I knew what I wanted to do, but I did not do the picture in my head justice. But they can't all be works of art and the point of this project is to get better and to practice. What is more hopeful that a little flower soldiering through and growing in a crack in the street?

     I'm doing all these drawings on the back of a 3" x 5" index card, so they are not very big and there's not a lot of room.  In retrospect, I could have drawn this one smaller with some buildings in the and learn.

     Day 11 - Prompt - "Disgusting" - Thinking I may ruffle a few feathers with this one, especially is you are a lover of mushrooms...I am not. I think they are gross and disgusting, have an awful texture and smell. But if you love them, then my apologies. They are beautiful to draw though, this one may be my favorite so far.

     Day 12 - Prompt "Slippery" - If I were a better artist I would have drawn a snail or an eel, but I just did my best and soldiered on with something super simple, but it fits the prompt. Hey...they can't all be winners. Poor guy driving, it's so slippery on that road that he seems to be heading off the sign itself!

     Day 13 - Prompt "Dune" - Oh I had fun with this one! Now normally I have a lot of problems with perspective and although the tires are not perfect, they aren't bad at all. A cute little Dune Buggy racing along on sand dunes!

     Day 14 - Prompt "Armor" - Oh wait! This one may be my favorite. I just think he's adorable! Isn't he perfection? 

     So that's it for week two. 

     I actually started this post more than a week ago, but I'm having some home remodeling done and the workers are here putting in a new closet in my bedroom and everything is in disarray and I can't find any of my art supplies and I'm going to have to put this on hold for now. 

     But it has been fun up to now.


  1. I like them all, and your explanations, Alicia, are perfect!
    My favorites are: the pumpkin (teeth), the flower growing through the cracks(hope),the frog(armor).
    Excellent work!

    1. Thank you DUTA, glad you like them. Drawing is not the easiest thing to do and I am struggling with it, but hopefully by the end I will be more comfortable with it. I'm going to go ahead and finish all the prompts even though I will most likely go into November with it.


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